
正规的赌博app is prepared to help you plan your gift using charitable giving strategies that will fulfill your philanthropic goals to impact future generations of students. We are equipped to receive and steward planned gifts such as bequests through your Will or Trust, 爱尔兰共和军慈善剩余分配, 捐助者通知资金(daf), 慈善捐赠年金, 捐赠股票及增值证券, 房地产, 慈善剩余信托和慈善领导信托.

问题? 请通过giftplan@kettering与礼品策划办公室联系.Edu或800-955-4464 ext. 9746.


Donors also can use current assets described 在这里 to leave their mark on 正规的赌博app.  Gifting from these types of assets offers donors the opportunity to see the immediate impact of their gift. 经常, donors use a combination of a gift from a current asset and a gift in their Will or Trust to make a difference in the lives of Kettering students.


包括《正规赌博十大网站》在内的《2023年综合拨款法案.0 解决了许多与退休计划有关的问题,于2022年12月获得批准. Since Kettering alumni and 朋友 often make a Charitable Remainder Distribution (CRD) from their 爱尔兰共和军 to 正规的赌博app, 我们想确认2023年的现行税法.  

  • 从2023年开始,73岁是退休的法定年龄 要求 从他们的个人退休账户中取钱, 401(k)s, 403 (b)s, 以及大多数其他由雇主为个人维护的固定缴款计划.  最低年龄在随后几年上升-与您的爱尔兰共和军计划提供商核实!

如果你和/或你的配偶已经70岁半了, 你们每人最多可以转账100美元,每年捐赠给正规的赌博app和其他慈善机构.   

  • 通过《正规赌博十大网站》中的遗留爱尔兰共和军计划.0,在某些情况下,你可以做出 一次性 CRD from your 爱尔兰共和军 in exchange for a life income gift – a charitable remainder trust or a charitable annuity – with 正规的赌博app. 此选项在爱尔兰共和军所有者的生命周期内只能使用一次.
  • Because your CRD is pre-taxed income, you will not receive a charitable deduction for tax purposes. However, you may see your adjusted gross income (AGI) reduced because of the transfer. 

This is a great opportunity if you want to create a 奖学金 or improve a lab space with a multi-year pledge.

  • 正规的赌博app会认可你的CRD的价值.
  • For long-term planners, consider naming 正规的赌博app as a direct beneficiary of your 爱尔兰共和军.  Non-spousal beneficiaries are still 要求 to withdraw the balance of the account in ten years, 而且它是要纳税的.

从个人退休账户中捐款很容易, but we strongly encourage donors to allow 5-6 weeks for the transfer to the University.

要启动该流程,请单击 在这里 for a sample letter for a plan provider that notifies the 爱尔兰共和军 custodian to make a direct transfer of the distribution amount to 正规的赌博app


通过捐赠受欢迎的股票, 人民币升值无需缴纳资本利得税, and the full value of the stock is immediately designated to a 正规的赌博app capital improvement project, 奖学金, 对你很重要的项目或学术领域. 当你列出项目时, you can deduct the full value of the stock even though you did not pay capital gains tax on the appreciation. So, if you have the opportunity to choose between making a gift of cash and a gift of appreciated stock, a gift of stock may be a better choice since you will avoid the capital gains tax that would be due if you sold the stock.

你的礼物可以帮助建造最先进的设施, 创建学生奖学金来帮助抵消学费, 加强我们的大学预科课程等等. 的 正规的赌博app Office of 礼物规划 is available to assist you with arranging the transfer to the University that will help smart young people meet their objective for a brighter future—a Kettering degree.

重要的是: 该大学正在与一家新的金融服务公司合作. 有关新账户信息,请拨打免费电话800-955-4464或 giftplan@daralmaghreb.net 以便我们确保您的股票捐赠顺利转入大学.


Donate your remaining retirement plan assets directly to the University by making 正规的赌博app a direct beneficiary of your 401(k), 403(b)或其他帐户或慈善剩余信托基金. A gift through a Charitable Remainder Trust maximizes your heirs’ inheritance while benefiting Kettering.


如果你转让一份现金价值为10美元的人寿保险单的所有权,000或更多, 正规的赌博app将立即受益于你的慷慨. Make a large future gift with little cost and receive current (and possibly future) income tax deductions by transferring ownership of your policy to Kettering.


从您的捐献人建议基金中推荐一笔当前的捐赠给凯特林. 当DAF解散时,通过命名凯特林作为受益人来创建遗产.


当前或将来的住宅赠与, 商业, 农场或未开发的房地产, 书, artwork or equipment will provide the donor with a charitable deduction based on the appraised value of the item(s).

业务 & 合作伙伴的利益




Transfer an interest in a Family Limited Partnership (FLP) or Limited Liability Company (LLC). 欲了解更多信息,请联系您的律师. 

  • 爱尔兰共和军


    包括《正规赌博十大网站》在内的《2023年综合拨款法案.0 解决了许多与退休计划有关的问题,于2022年12月获得批准. Since Kettering alumni and 朋友 often make a Charitable Remainder Distribution (CRD) from their 爱尔兰共和军 to 正规的赌博app, 我们想确认2023年的现行税法.  

    • 从2023年开始,73岁是退休的法定年龄 要求 从他们的个人退休账户中取钱, 401(k)s, 403 (b)s, 以及大多数其他由雇主为个人维护的固定缴款计划.  最低年龄在随后几年上升-与您的爱尔兰共和军计划提供商核实!

    如果你和/或你的配偶已经70岁半了, 你们每人最多可以转账100美元,每年捐赠给正规的赌博app和其他慈善机构.   

    • 通过《正规赌博十大网站》中的遗留爱尔兰共和军计划.0,在某些情况下,你可以做出 一次性 CRD from your 爱尔兰共和军 in exchange for a life income gift – a charitable remainder trust or a charitable annuity – with 正规的赌博app. 此选项在爱尔兰共和军所有者的生命周期内只能使用一次.
    • Because your CRD is pre-taxed income, you will not receive a charitable deduction for tax purposes. However, you may see your adjusted gross income (AGI) reduced because of the transfer. 

    This is a great opportunity if you want to create a 奖学金 or improve a lab space with a multi-year pledge.

    • 正规的赌博app会认可你的CRD的价值.
    • For long-term planners, consider naming 正规的赌博app as a direct beneficiary of your 爱尔兰共和军.  Non-spousal beneficiaries are still 要求 to withdraw the balance of the account in ten years, 而且它是要纳税的.

    从个人退休账户中捐款很容易, but we strongly encourage donors to allow 5-6 weeks for the transfer to the University.

    要启动该流程,请单击 在这里 for a sample letter for a plan provider that notifies the 爱尔兰共和军 custodian to make a direct transfer of the distribution amount to 正规的赌博app

  • 股票升值 & 证券


    通过捐赠受欢迎的股票, 人民币升值无需缴纳资本利得税, and the full value of the stock is immediately designated to a 正规的赌博app capital improvement project, 奖学金, 对你很重要的项目或学术领域. 当你列出项目时, you can deduct the full value of the stock even though you did not pay capital gains tax on the appreciation. So, if you have the opportunity to choose between making a gift of cash and a gift of appreciated stock, a gift of stock may be a better choice since you will avoid the capital gains tax that would be due if you sold the stock.

    你的礼物可以帮助建造最先进的设施, 创建学生奖学金来帮助抵消学费, 加强我们的大学预科课程等等. 的 正规的赌博app Office of 礼物规划 is available to assist you with arranging the transfer to the University that will help smart young people meet their objective for a brighter future—a Kettering degree.

    重要的是: 该大学正在与一家新的金融服务公司合作. 有关新账户信息,请拨打免费电话800-955-4464或 giftplan@daralmaghreb.net 以便我们确保您的股票捐赠顺利转入大学.

  • 退休计划


    Donate your remaining retirement plan assets directly to the University by making 正规的赌博app a direct beneficiary of your 401(k), 403(b)或其他帐户或慈善剩余信托基金. A gift through a Charitable Remainder Trust maximizes your heirs’ inheritance while benefiting Kettering.

  • 人寿保险


    如果你转让一份现金价值为10美元的人寿保险单的所有权,000或更多, 正规的赌博app将立即受益于你的慷慨. Make a large future gift with little cost and receive current (and possibly future) income tax deductions by transferring ownership of your policy to Kettering.

  • 捐助者通知资金(DAF)


    从您的捐献人建议基金中推荐一笔当前的捐赠给凯特林. 当DAF解散时,通过命名凯特林作为受益人来创建遗产.

  • 不动产和/或个人财产


    当前或将来的住宅赠与, 商业, 农场或未开发的房地产, 书, artwork or equipment will provide the donor with a charitable deduction based on the appraised value of the item(s).

  • 业务 & 合作伙伴的利益

    业务 & 合作伙伴的利益




    Transfer an interest in a Family Limited Partnership (FLP) or Limited Liability Company (LLC). 欲了解更多信息,请联系您的律师. 



  • 你不用为增值支付资本利得税 
  • 当你开列明细时,你可以扣除存货的全部价值
  • 你的礼物可以提供奖学金, 翻新实验室/教室, 扩大大学预科课程(AIM)的覆盖面, 或者帮助建造最先进的设施,比如学习公共设施.


有关捐赠增值股票或共同基金的指引,请按 在这里

重要的是: Please note it may take up to five business days for your stock donation to transfer to the University account. 欲了解更多信息,请拨打免费电话800-955-4464. 9746,或电邮 giftplan@daralmaghreb.net.





你有遗嘱吗? 有几个原因,你应该有一个,即使你认为你没有. 许多人错误地认为遗嘱是不必要的,因为:

  • 最后遗嘱及遗嘱我所有的资产都有受益人了但是,如果受益人比你先死怎么办? 如果受益人有婚姻、吸毒或酗酒问题怎么办? 如果受益人正在领取政府福利怎么办? 事实是, 如果受益人在你之前去世, the money may not go w在这里 you want it to—a Will or Trust can determine a contingent beneficiary. A Will or Trust can protect money from beneficiaries with problems so they are not handed a lump sum of money. 遗嘱或信托可以保护受益人的政府福利.
  • “他们”会明白的: Leaving your family to deal with your estate presents the probability of family disagreements. A Will or Trust eases the estate process for your family and protects your loved ones while distributing your assets as you would like to see them distributed: to family, 给朋友, 并支持你最喜欢的慈善机构.
  • “我太年轻/太老了”或“很难考虑这个问题”: 如果你已经年满18岁,你现在就需要一份遗嘱. 生活就是这样——结婚、生子、离婚、生病、意外. 保护好你的财产和家人. 如果你有未成年的孩子, 你可以指定一个照顾你孩子的人作为监护人. 如果你没有遗嘱,又有未成年子女,法院会指定一名监护人.

在找律师之前我应该知道些什么? 我应该找什么样的律师呢? An attorney that specializes in estate planning can handle all the documents for you, 包括医疗和财务授权书. 你要考虑选择谁作为未成年孩子的监护人, 遗产的个人代表(遗嘱执行人)应该是谁, 以及你希望你的资产如何通过你的遗产分配给家人, 朋友, 和慈善机构. 遗产规划律师会引导你完成所有这些主题.

For more information on planned giving, contact the 正规的赌博app Office of Advancement at giftplan@daralmaghreb.net.



To learn more about naming opportunities available in the 学习共享 or other University priorities, 请致电800-955-4464与我们联系, ext. 9746,或电邮 giftplan@daralmaghreb.net



Leaving a bequest in a Will or Trust to 正规的赌博app can shape your legacy by helping provide a Kettering education to future generations of students. 我们邀请您加入我们的遗产协会, a donor society recognizing alumni and 朋友 who make a planned gift to the University.




固定金额包括赠与特定资产,如房地产, 一辆车, 其他特定金额的财产或礼物. 例如,你可以考虑留下一笔固定的金额(例如.e., $50,到正规的赌博app, 或者你可以离开你的家, 其他不动产或其他有形资产赠与正规的赌博app. (注:正规的赌博app的政策是在收到房产后出售, 并将收益捐给大学.)


而不是留下固定的金额/资产, 你可以决定将你财产的特定比例捐给大学. This can be in the form of leaving a percentage of your estate valued at the time of your death or a percentage of your residual estate (after other specific bequests have been honored). 例如, 你可以把你全部财产的10%留给正规的赌博app, 在你送礼物的时候, 价值100美元,000.


把正规的赌博app列为临时受益人, 你的礼物将在特定事件发生后送到学校.e.(配偶死亡).  


遗赠是你遗嘱或信托给正规的赌博app的礼物, 而且它还免征联邦遗产税. You can designate it to the Kettering Gift Fund (a discretionary fund available for the University to move forward with unanticipated opportunities) or a specific purpose, 比如学生奖学金, 研究或教师支持.


通过遗嘱或信托进行遗赠, 通过流动资产或两者都给正规的赌博app留下遗产. 让我们知道哪种选择最适合您和您的家人. 我们很高兴与你合作, 你的律师, and/or financial planner to help you identify ways to give and meet your philanthropic objectives.